
Dou­bleSto­ry start­ed as class mate­ri­als research for type design stu­dents at Type West. Over time, we out­grew our spread­sheets and decid­ed to try a dif­fer­ent for­mat for doc­u­ment­ing and shar­ing with oth­ers with sim­i­lar inter­ests. Our first two com­pi­la­tions are Type Anato­my and Clas­si­fi­ca­tion Sys­tems. 

Grendl Löfkvist is Edu­ca­tion Direc­tor for Type West at Let­ter­form Archive, where she teach­es Type His­to­ry and The­o­ry. She is also an instruc­tor in the Visu­al Media Design Depart­ment at City Col­lege of San Fran­cis­co, where she teach­es cours­es in the His­to­ry of Graph­ic Design, Book Arts, Cal­lig­ra­phy, Basic Typog­ra­phy, and Let­ter­press Print­ing. Addi­tion­al­ly, she offers a vari­ety of work­shops at the San Fran­cis­co Cen­ter for the Book, includ­ing Black­let­ter and Uncial Cal­lig­ra­phy.

Vivien Park is a teach­ing assis­tant at Type@Cooper West. She is also a user expe­ri­ence design­er at Levi Strauss and and a for­ev­er stu­dent in design and typog­ra­phy. She’s inter­est­ed in apply­ing her back­ground in design sys­tems and design research into her study of the let­ter­form. 

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